Guile has been posted!
I would still like to do more renders in poses and scenes etc... I don't see getting around to that any time soon though. Also creating a 15k tri 4096 game version of him would be cool too.
I look forward to checking out SF4 when it is released.
I am currently working on a quicky M.Bison bust for a mini competition surrounding the release.
bad ass mang! Love all the little trinkets and such...adds a lot of character. Are those shards of glass in his face?
Man, First of all i'm sorry for my english, i'm brazilian, and i don't know how to speak english very well yet.
I think that your job here were just amazing. Congratulations.
I love gamming and programming. But i don't know anything about that.
Could you please e-mail me saying what program you use to make that, and if you have any clue of where to begin or something. I would be very thankful.
Again, i'm sory about my english, i hope that i didn't make any mistakes.
e-mail: beethov3n@hotmail.com
yeah, i see this post in game artisans and i think it's great work.
i'm follow you blog.
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